10 May 2007

Eggmaster is dead! Long live Eggmaster!

OK, I quickly discovered that wordpress.com is not where I want to be. They wanted me to pay for the privilege to edit the CSS for my blog!

So...for the few people who have actually returned to read my blog a second time, please update your bookmarks. I'm on the blogspot tip now!


deb said...

I greet thee, my egg brother.

deb said...

I greet thee, my egg brother.

deb said...

ooh, i greeted thee twice.

Rex Parker said...


Welcome to the spot. I like you better here 'cause now we can be blog twins.

Say something funny and maybe I'll link to you.


Rex Parker said...

PS, uh, what is CSS?

Unknown said...

Congrats! Now start blogging- I want to be entertained! jtt