30 May 2007

Will the real Eggmaster please stand up?

In September, 1987, a young man from mid-Michigan took occupancy of a dorm room in Ann Arbor. Dissatisfied with his given, Christian name, he turned over the potato-shaped construction paper name tag that had been taped to the outside of the door of his cell and (perhaps not knowing the implications for his future ability to have, uh, "meaningful interactions" with "members" of the "opposite sex") wrote the word "Eggmaster."

Shortly thereafter, his roommate (not to be one-upped in nerdliness) flipped his name tag and wrote "Warp," which didn't stick and--by the consensus of his fellow subterranean dorm-dwellers--was changed to "Psycho." That turned out to be the keeper, although I always liked "Warp."

Flash forward to the year 2007. The Eggmaster googles himself and finds, to his horror (or, at least, his extreme irritation), that in the twenty years since he took the fateful step of becoming the Master of all Eggs great hordes of pretenders to the title have sprung up.

I'd like to know if any of these other so-called 'eggmasters' can date their nicknames prior to September, 1987. It's not like I can forbid anyone from using this nickname, but I had hoped when I chose it that the name would be random enough to be somewhat unique...that I was blazing a trail into uncharted realms of dorkdom.


Rex Parker said...

You should feature all these impostors on your site, and then hunt them down one by one, keeping track of your kills by X'ing out their pictures on your website.

Peace be with you.

Eggmaster said...

I cannot *officially* condone the use of X's (or other means) to eliminate the would-be-eggmasters.

DONALD said...


Followed you here from the Rex link. Do you work crosswords or were you just surfing? I assume you do and were! Ballsy comment, come by and zap me sometime!


The New York Times Crossword in Gothic


P.S.: I'm not really serious!

Anonymous said...

And I followed you here from the comment you left on Donald's site. Now I'll go back and see what ballsy comment you made on Rex's site. Ohhh, the humanity!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...You are from Minnesota, eh?
From your photo and your blogging style I'm guessing you are kin to Garrison Keillor.

What say you?

Eggmaster said...

If only I could be as cool as Garrison Keillor...

Unknown said...

It's the homosexual agenda.